Where is my data stored?
Waggybytes is committed to transparency and privacy. We believe you should know:
- exactly what data is held on you
- how we use your data
- who we may pass your data onto
- where your data is physically held
You can find the answers to all but the last point in our privacy policy, which we keep updated on our website.
Your data is physically stored in Fasthosts’ Gloucester data centre in the United Kingdom. Fasthosts is our trusted hosting provider for our server infrastructure, including our e-mail mailboxes.
Backups of your data are also stored off-site in Backblaze’s data centre in Sacramento, California.
Your data is encrypted before it leaves the UK shore and remains encrypted at rest in Backblaze’s data centre.
Backblaze do not have access to the raw (unencrypted) data, nor to the encryption key.